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Gymnastics Coaching Certification in Colorado

i99Fit master coaches and gymnastics trainers in Colorado

Amy Patrick has been a competitive gymnast and coach for over 20 years.

(Cover Photo: Amy Patrick has been a competitive gymnast and coaching for over 20 years)

Being fit and healthy will never go out of style. This means that every gym owner has tough competition from other owner, coaches and gyms across the country. At i99 Fit, we travel from gym to gym, box to box to help owners take their fitness program to the next level and help them offer the best training techniques for their athletes and members.

Cortney Grant recently completed our i99 Fit Coaches Level 1 Certification with the objective of bringing better gymnastics and movement to kids. As a member of the i99 Fit Team she us helping us develop our kids program.

Add gymnastics to your teams training program

No matter what type of athlete you are, you can benefit from gymnastics training. We offer gymnastics coaching certificates for coaches and trainers who are looking to help their athletes reach new goals and take their skills up a notch.

For any training to be effective, you need to know how to support your athletes so that they are performing each new skill using the right techniques and body movements. And, of course, you need to be able to do the curriculum yourself before you are able to teach it to someone else. If you can’t do a handstand or basic kipping on bars and rings, how are you going to teach it correctly?

Two level gymnastics certification program for Colorado coaches and trainers

Once you’ve completed the first basic level of coaching, you can move on to the second level where we’ll go over more advanced gymnastics movements like the infamous muscle-up.

Before you can train your athletes, you need to train your coaches. The good news is that the i99 Fit master instructors will come to you and complete the program in your space. You will be practicing, observing and assisting your athletes as your coaches complete each level of certification.

Certifying your coaches has immediate benefits for your athletes, and it will help raise the profile and the appeal of your training facility.

Give your athletes the complete package and certify your coaches to teach gymnastics training.

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