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Gymnastics education prepares kids to be strong in all sports

professional gymnastics training in Colorado.

The Many Benefits of Gymnastics Training for Kids

Functional fitness education for kids

Starting while you’re young will give anyone a leg up in any sport or discipline. Gymnastics is no different. Kids are naturally flexible and agile, and like many of us loved they love jumping and swinging. But more than the fun of gymnastics, everything learned helps kids develop the strength, confidence and ability needed to jump start their functional fitness. These skills will help them for the rest of their active lives.

Cortney Grant recently completed our i99 Fit Coaches Level 1 Certification with the objective of bringing better gymnastics and movement to kids. “I’ve chosen to work with young athletes to help be their guide through the trials and tribulations of two beautiful games; sport and life.”

i99 Fit 2016: Starting March, we’ll be bringing better gymnastic movement to your kids

Starting your kids on gymnastics while they are young has many advantages. The earlier your child learns the amazing skills you’ve been learning with us; the greater their body will be able to adapt once they move onto any kind of sport. Gymnastics builds a great foundation, it’s a great first step for any other discipline, many people have gotten into gymnastics as adults, out of the need to avoid injuries, learn the skills needed for smoother and stronger functional training or simply gain flexibility. Imagine learning all that as a kid!  You’ll be happy to know i99 Fit will be hosting clinics for kids starting in March.  

We teach kids the basics of movement and help them improve strength and flexibility for all sports

Early gymnastics training focuses on the floor movements like forward and backward rolls, handstands, cartwheels, and back bends. Kids tend to be fearless, it’s usually no different when it comes to sports and learning new skills. So you may be surprised at how much faster and easier they could be moving from basic movements to more advanced exercise on bars, rings and balance. Young bodies are much more adaptable to new skills. Plus they will also improve in all sports they love, as their body gets stronger and more flexible, but most of all as they learn to move correctly and efficiently.  

Talk to i99 trainers about gymnastics for your child

If you would like to learn more about how your child can benefit from the skills, discipline and fitness they will get from basic gymnastics training, come talk to us.


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