Are you tired of banging away on gymnastics movements without a plan–and feeling like you will never get them? To be competitive, you need to be ultra-efficient at gymnastics. We have helped thousands of athletes like you to #feeltheideal movements, repeat simple drills, and learn great gymnastics skills. The techniques we teach and drills we use are far from the mainstream–rather, they are carefully crafted to be the very best use of your precious training time.

Whether you train with us in person or online, you will rapidly improve in your gymnastics and all other movements. Our curriculum translates directly to your Olympic lifting, general agility, and stability. We make it easy for you to get started training with us by offering a variety of personal and group training services. Start now by choosing your training path below:

Our progressive curriculum, Seminars, and customized weekly programming will help you master:

  • Handstand Walking
  • Toes-to-Bar
  • Pullups
  • Handstand Pushups
  • Bar Muscleups
  • Dynamic Ring Muscleups
  • Butterfly Pullups
Join Team i99!

It doesn’t matter if you are around the corner or on the other side of the world– Team i99 is a select group of amazing, hard-working competitive athletes who receive regular programming and live video lessons or in-person live lessons from our instructors. Team i99 is not your typical personal training solution. We are a community that benefits from our collective discoveries and accomplishments.

Our instructors are committed to constantly implementing new technologies and training aids that eliminate the barrier of distance, shorten the learning curve, and connect Team i99 athletes no matter where they are located. Are you ready to #geti99fit and #feeltheideal?


  • Team i99 Gymnastics Programming – $35/wk
  • Programming + Video Analysis Feedback $50/wk
  • Programming + Live Video Lesson $90/wk
  • Personalized Video Analysis – $35/skill

Gymnastics Onramp


Are you ready to get serious about your gymnastics, mobility, and overall movement efficiency? This 2-week onramp will get you started on a path to elite efficiency!



This onramp consists of two weeks of custom gymnastics programming and assessments that prepare you to join Teami99. Teami99 is a community of dedicated athletes that rely on our instructors to design and deliver weekly workout programming, provide video analysis feedback, and coach live one-on-one lessons. Using the TrueCoach app, athletes can see examples of the workout movements and send video clips for video analysis and regular chat feedback from their instructors.


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Find a Seminar

If you are looking for an immersive and exciting experience to kick-start your gymnastics progress, you should consider attending a Seminar. Our Athlete Seminars last from 2 to 4 hours and provide a comprehensive and progressive curriculum plus 4 weeks of programming to lock-in that knowledge. We focus on an extremely low instructor to athlete ratio so that we have time to connect with and customize the experience to each and every attendee.

Host i99!

Often the easiest way to get started with i99 is to tell your gym owner or coach about us.

We make it incredibly easy for them to host and promote events–we even cover all of the travel expenses for our instructors through registration signups directly on our website. All we ask is that they post to social media, hang some flyers in the gym, and make the gym available for the Seminars. We handle everything else!

We also want to make it easy for you to make the connection.  Just fill out the form below, and we will reach out to your gym owner and make sure they have all the information they need to bring us in or schedule an online event.

    Box Owner/Coach Information

    First Name:

    Email Address:

    Gym Name:

    Your Information

    Full Name:


    Your Personal Message to the Owner or Coach