Tighter is Lighter
#tighterislighter We created that social media hashtag because it’s catchy, but it’s also a key concept in gymnastics movement. If your body is tighter, using the key principles of [...]
Training Elite Athletes for The Regionals
Second elite athlete training camp in Iceland Now that The Open is over, Duke headed back to Iceland to join John Singleton and Weightlifting 101 at the second elite athlete camp. We were joined [...]
Conserving Energy with Proper Gymnastics Technique
When it comes to every other aspect of our lives, we are all trying to conserve energy. We’ve switched out all our bulbs to LED, we recycle, we reuse our water bottles, we conserve water, we bike [...]
Why Add Gymnastics to Your Weightlifting Training
Build Muscle and Gain Strength with Gymnastics There are more ways that you can gain strength and build muscle than lifting weights. One of those ways is body weight movements, a.k.a. [...]
Give Your Gym the Gift of Gymnastics
Why let your gym members go somewhere else for their gymnastics training when you can bring gymnastics training to them? It’s been proven over and over that any athlete will benefit greatly from [...]
Gymnastics Certification Programs for Athletes and Coaches
Hey coaches, how’d your athletes do in The Open? Whether you are training for Regionals or preparing your athletes for the next season, you should be improving your team’s gymnastics [...]
Gymnastics Basics for 2016 Games
Athletes who are training for the 2016 Games are all starting to see the benefit of adding gymnastics to their training regimen and WODs. Over the last few years, looking at the top scorers at [...]
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