
Gymnastics Basics for 2016 Games

 In blog, Gymnastics classes

Athletes who are training for the 2016 Games are all starting to see the benefit of adding gymnastics to their training regimen and WODs. Over the last few years, looking at the top scorers at the games, one thing has become abundantly clear: athletes who work on their fundamental gymnastic movements place higher.

Gymnastics and weightlifting go hand in hand

The functional movements taught in gymnastics should be the foundation for any athlete. Gymnastics can help you improve your range of motion, your mobility, and strength.  And, you will need all of these skills to dominate in both the endurance tests, as well as the strength.

Gymnastics training for the 2016 Games

Learn to unlock free energy to perform basic gymnastics movements and improve your performance in the 2016 Games.

Gymnastics will give you a technique that will help your form, maximizing your efforts in every movement, but minimizing the amount of energy that you use to perform each event.  And, let’s face it, even the strength events at the Games are also testing an athlete’s durability. You will need to perform your strength tests under extreme fatigue, and proper technique can help you push through and continue to perform at the top of your ability. Toe-to-bar, kipping pull ups, and the elusive muscle up, when done correctly, will help unlock free energy allowing you to perform your best even when you are tired, and your muscles are worn down.

Gymnastics training in Colorado for 2016 games

If you want to compete with the best, with athletes at the top of their game, you must train both your endurance, flexibility, mobility, and strength. If you’re not working on your gymnastics fundamentals, you’re not giving yourself the best chance possible to reach new goals and to dominate every event.

How to dominate at the 2016 CrossFit Games

Gymnastics training will help you in both the endurance and the strength tests at the 2016 Games.


For private and group gymnastics classes for athletes, getting back to basics and making sure that your technique is on point and that you can perform the basic gymnastics movements (pullups, muscle ups, handstands, etc.) contact i99Fit. We’ll come to you!

Gymnastics training programs for all levels in Colorado by i99Fiti99Fit master gymnastics coaches in Colorado