
Gymnastics For Your Body and Your Brain

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Whether you are an elite athlete or just enjoy being fit and healthy, gymnastics can help you improve your strength, balance, and flexibility. But, gymnastics is also a great workout for your brain. So, sign up for one of our programs and get fit and smarter!

The benefits of gymnastics training for kids and adults in Colorado

Children benefit both physically and mentally by training gymnastics.

If you’ve never tried gymnastics, you probably imagine 16-year-old girls doing the splits and flips on various apparatus while touting their national colors. But gymnastics is so much more, and can benefit everyone of all ages, and all fitness levels. Besides improving your flexibility, balance, and coordination, you are also improving your patience, concentration, memory, discipline, and team working abilities. And for that, you need to engage your brain. The beauty of gymnastics training is that you need both brains and brawn to get the best results.

Master seven gymnastics movements with i99Fit programs

Whether you’re shooting for Olympic gold or just want a fun way to get in shape, you are going to need to be able to focus and concentrate and retain a lot of information in order to be able to master the techniques needed to perform each of the seven gymnastics movements:

  • Handstand walking
  • Toes-to-bar
  • Pull-ups
  • Handstand Pushups
  • Bar Muscle-ups
  • Dynamic Ring Muscle-ups
  • Butterfly Pullups
The cognitive benefits of gymnastics training with i99Fit in Colorado

You need to keep your brain active in order to master seven basic gymnastic movements.

Gymnastics can help you get mentally strong

Not only do you need mental toughness, focus, and discipline to perform the gymnastics movements, but learning the correct technique will exercise your brain as it begins to learn and understand the body works and how you can achieve the best results and improve your performance from class to class.

Gymnastics engages your entire body as well as stimulates your brain giving children and adults a complete body, mind, and spirit workout. And did we mention it is fun? It’s fun! And a fun environment is an environment where people thrive. We want everyone to get the benefits of gymnastics, so ask your local gym, box, or fitness facility to bring the i99 gymnasty team to you.

professional gymnastics training in Colorado.Gymnastics training for the 2016 Games