Kim Remote Muscle-up Training
@i99fit remote coaching Kim to a more efficient muscle-up. Dana and Kim reached out looking for some help with efficiency prior to 2018 regionals. Dana sent a couple of videos via email of both. Dana’s comparison will be coming soon and here is what happened with Kim. I like to start with remote athletes by making sure they fully understand the ideal i99 technique. An elite video analysis not only provides an ideal example, it gives the athlete a comparison to their own technique. With each Video Analysis comes a prescription of drills and skills that will prepare for their first remove lesson via video conference. This video gives you a snapshot of how our process works and includes the entire video analysis for Kim. You will notice that this isn’t meant to be some professionally produced video. It is real! It is practical! And…. it flat out works! We make do with the tech you have and get creative so that you get results fast! Check out the video then take a look at some of the drills we prescribed below to support the i99 Muscle-up technique!