Gymnastics Certification Programs for Athletes and Coaches

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Hey coaches, how’d your athletes do in The Open?

Whether you are training for Regionals or preparing your athletes for the next season, you should be improving your team’s gymnastics knowledge to help your athletes dominate the leaderboard. The next few months are critical, and the Open should have given you some idea of your team’s weaknesses as well as strengths. You also got a chance to check out the competition, so now it’s time to take all of that inside knowledge and apply it to your training before heading to Regionals from May 13th – 29th, 2016.

Coaches need to improve their skills as well as their athletes’

You need to know how to spot faults in technique and know how to correct those faults. Teaching basic gymnastic movements safely and efficiently require that you have a deeper understanding of each movement and how to break them down for your athletes.

Gymnastics certification programs for coaches and athletes in Denver

Learn how to spot your athletes as they master the muscle-up.

There are a few varieties of gymnastics training, from artistic gymnastics (think the Olympics) to aerobic gymnastics (think acrobats) to gymnastic for athletes competing in The 2016 Games. At i99Fit, we offer programs for coaches, teams, and athletes who are looking to kill it at Regionals and take it all the way to the top at The Games.<

This Coaching Certification will teach established coaches how to effectively deliver the i99 Gymnastics for CrossFit curriculum found in the L1 Athlete Clinics.[/caption] Whichever box you train in, the i99 team of professional gymnastic coaches and athletes will come to you and take coaches through an intensive program to help you coach your team in basic athletic movements like handstand, pullups, muscle-ups, toe-to-bar, etc. that are essential for many of the WODs you’ll come across.
Cardio, gymnastics, and weightlifting is the magical combination to improving coordination, flexibility, mobility, endurance, strength, and balance.

Coaches and athletes need to get back to gymnastics basics

Tips for Colorado gym owners: host i99Fit
Our objective is to provide coaches across the country with the tools and technique to become 99% independent when coaching gymnastics movements.  We typically schedule our coaches certifications in conjunction with athlete clinics so that coaches can observe and assist their athletes through the i99 Fit progressions.  This allows us to inject our methodology into your entire community providing a foundation of support from athletes, coaches and gym owners.

Gymnastics training for the 2016 GamesTips for Colorado gym owners: host i99Fit