Participating athletes will practice and get expert instruction on i99 trench chest above the bar pull-ups (CAB), BMU bail techniques, RMU drills, RMU bail techniques, i99 trench RMUs, and Ring [...]
Participating athletes will practice and get expert instruction on Kipping pull-ups Toes-to-bar (3 varieties), i99 Trench Pull-ups, Chest-to-bar pull-ups, and Butterfly pull-ups
Participating athletes will practice and get expert instruction on wall-walks, weight transfer drills, kicking up to a handstand, handstands walking, handstands Pirouettes for obstacle work, [...]
Learn general dynamic mobility, shoulder health mobility, tripods, headstands, safety rolling, kicking to a handstand, kip swings on the bar, T2B, kipping pull-ups, support stability on rings, [...]
Learn general dynamic mobility, shoulder health mobility, tripods, headstands, safety rolling, kicking to a handstand, kip swings on the bar, T2B, kipping pull-ups, support stability on rings, [...]
Participating Coaches will learn to perform, teach, and spot (assist) Kipping Pull-ups, 2 variations of Toes2Bar, Bar and Ring Muscle-ups, Handstand Safety and Balance, Handstand Walking, [...]