Amanda JohnsonGymnastics Instructor

Originally from New Jersey, Amanda had the pleasure of living in California, Missouri, Georgia, Guam, and South Dakota. Now she and her husband, their two children, and the family dog have lived in Virginia for over 6 years, and love it.

An Air Force veteran, Amanda has coached both competitive and recreational gymnastics for eight years. She found CrossFit over a decade ago and has been hooked ever since, so it seemed fitting to share that love of CrossFit with others. She stepped away from gymnastics four years ago to coach at Crossfit Stimulus. She has Level 1 and Level 2 Crossfit Certificates, as well as an ACE Certified Personal Training Certificate. She stepped back into the gymnastics world through Crossfit and then progressed from a dedicated i99fit athlete to a Level 3 certified coach, and now an instructor. A friend introduced her to i99fit two years ago and she has loved every minute of it. This programming makes the magic happen. She says she has reached a potential she never thought she could. Now she is ready to help others do the same! A firm believer, Amanda believes that it is never too late to learn new things and to start your journey to a healthier life.