
Fall Exercising Tips: Staying Motivated

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Fall fitness inspiration

It’s hard to remain motivated on your fitness routine when the days are getting colder, darker and shorter. It’s so much easier to stay in bed an extra hour in the morning or to get right back home after work and snuggle up under a blanket on the couch. Now is not the time to slack off.

Don’t let the cold weather deter you from your fitness routine

Tips to staying active and motivated in the fall

Get out of your fitness comfort zone and try something new. It will help you stay motivated and active in the cold seasons.

Cold weather, comfort food, and a million holidays, starting with Halloween are right around the corner. And with each holiday comes new candy, new desserts, more parties, more gatherings and everywhere you turn there’s more food, more drinks, more of everything. If ever you needed to stick to your training, this is the time. A few baggy sweaters can hide a few extra pounds and fool your friends. However, the person you won’t fool is yourself. Here’s how you can stay motivated when you are the least motivated.

Try a new type of training or fitness class

The cold weather doesn’t help, but the reason most people become unmotivated is because of boredom. Switch it up a little. Change up your daily routine, try something new, even if it’s just running down a different street or finding a new park to exercise. The fitness industry also knows that boredom is our biggest enemy, so your local box or training facility may have guest trainers, guest classes or fitness events that you can try out. If you’re into functional training, try a yoga class, if you are into lifting weights, try gymnastics, if you usually run, take your bike out for a spin. Attend one of i99’s athlete clinics!  You may even find something new that you’ll want to incorporate on a regular basis.

A new functional fitness routine to keep you motivated in the fall

Ask your local box if they have new classes or events that you can participate in and re-energize your fitness routine.

Change up your soundtrack and bring new energy to your fitness routine

A new class or trainer might be a little too much change for you. In that case, do something simple like finding new books, songs, or podcasts to listen to while you train. One can only work out to Shake It Off by Taylor Swift so many times before it starts to lose its effect, right?!

Last, give yourself a break. It’s important to rest, but you have to be disciplined, so you don’t end up resting more than training. Make a plan for yourself at the beginning of the week or the month. If you follow through on your plan, you get a reward. It’s the old stick and carrot method. The stick is your weekly training, the carrot at the end of the stick is a well-deserved day of rest. With dessert, of course!

Mastering the muscle-up with personal training at your local box